PLEASE consider Orange Public Library Foundation this “Giving Season.”
Your philanthropy builds extraordinary Orange Public Libraries. Orange Public Libraries are important because:
- Orange Public Libraries provide everyone access to resources and information that might not be easily available or economically feasible.
- Orange Public Libraries preserve cultural heritage and history.
- Orange Public Libraries provide access to necessary resources to marginalized communities.
- Orange Public Libraries offer a safe place for exploring, learning, and socializing.
- Orange Public Libraries are FREE!
Please give to the Orange Public Library Foundation by December 31st.
Suggested Levels:
$50 • $250 • $1000
Any amount is appreciated.
$50 • $250 • $1000
Any amount is appreciated.
Thank you for donating!
Gifts of any amount provide critical support to allow the Orange Public Library Foundation to continue
its mission of supporting Orange Public Library facilities, services and programs.
You can also mail your donation to:
City of Orange Public Library Foundation
407 E. Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92866
or call 714-288-2470
its mission of supporting Orange Public Library facilities, services and programs.
You can also mail your donation to:
City of Orange Public Library Foundation
407 E. Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92866
or call 714-288-2470